The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation
Online ISSN : 2187-3275
Print ISSN : 0388-7405
ISSN-L : 0388-7405
Recognition Technique of Moving Objects by Interframe Differential Method using Marine Observation Imagery
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2005 Volume 113 Pages 107-113


In the field of the remote sensing and the image processing, the recognition technique of the moving object is recognized as an important technological factor. Because the problem of the security is being watched in the recent years, this recognition technique has become increasingly valued in the real-time processing of the video image data. The existing condition on the maritime technology field, however, have never reached a level at which it can be put into practical use. The factor of the ship movement on the sea is one of the causes for this embryonic stage. Therefore, the development of the recognition technique of the moving object on the sea is necessary for the safety at the sea. This paper shows a technique for the recognition of the moving objets by the interframe differential method for the video image data. The interframe differential is a well-known technique in the image processing. And, this computational algorithm is a very simple and suitable way for the real-time processing of the video image data. The special note is the apply of the template matching for the image positioning in this paper. As a result, the geometrical corrected images based on the positioning made the recognition of moving targets possible on the real-time. This algorithm is introduced for the navigational obstacle detection system by NMRI and useful in the recognition of the other ships in passage.

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