Journal of Informatics Education
Online ISSN : 2433-5703
Print ISSN : 2432-6321
Creative Science and Engineering Literacy:
-Practice of Informatics Education as First-Year Experience at Big University-
Author information

2018 Volume 1 Issue 1 Pages 23-30


We describe the approach of “Creative Science and Engineering Literacy”, which is the First-Year Experience (FYE) Program centred on informatics education at the School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University. This program has four features. The first is to provide the same educational content to all first-year students by requiring them to take this program at the same time. The second is to incorporate information literacy education. The third is to actively incorporate active learning. The fourth is to give opportunities to introduce students to specialized fields (informatics, etc.) and to touch on various state-of-the-art researches. From the results of the class questionnaire, we confirmed that this program is functioning effectively as the FYE. As a future task, we found a need for correspondence with first-year students who have already experienced connective education between high schools and universities during their high school days, and information literacy edu-cation to match the current situation of the “smartphone-native generation”.

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© 2018 Japan Association for Informatics Education

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