Journal of the Japanese Forest Society
Online ISSN : 1882-398X
Print ISSN : 1349-8509
ISSN-L : 1349-8509
Area Estimation and Accuracy Assessment for Forest Change Maps Derived from Satellite Data
Katsuto Shimizu
Author information
J-STAGE Data Supplementary material

2023 Volume 105 Issue 5 Pages 166-182


Thematic maps, such as forest change and land cover change maps, are generally inaccurate. The assessment of accuracy, defined as the correctness of a map, is critical for understanding the quality and utility of thematic maps. This review shows the fundamental principles in area estimation and accuracy assessment for forest change maps based on three components: sampling design, response design, and analysis, and then reveals the criterion and recommended practices. Several special cases of accuracy assessment are also discussed. A probability sampling design is implemented in the statistically rigorous accuracy assessment to estimate accuracy based on the comparison of a map and reference data. Population error matrix is crucial in assessing the accuracy and estimating area. Further, the use of unbiased or consistent estimators that correspond to the sampling design is critical for deriving accuracy metrics and area estimates with associated uncertainty. Although the fundamental principles of accuracy assessment are well established, methods for addressing issues have also recently been developed. Practitioners are required to choose the optimal protocols to achieve their objectives of the accuracy assessment because no single protocol or approach can completely address all situations.

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© 2023 The Japanese Forest Society

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