The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery
Online ISSN : 1348-9372
Print ISSN : 0386-9768
ISSN-L : 0386-9768
Small Bowel Liposarcoma Presenting as Intussusception in an Adult
Takayuki TajimaMasaya MukaiTomoya HinokiYasuo OhtaniShinkichi SatoHisao NakasakiHiroyasu Makuuchi
Author information

2004 Volume 37 Issue 12 Pages 1905-1909


A 64-year-old man been admitted, for ileus 2 months previously and discharged without diagnosis because of spontaneous resolution presented again with vomiting. Abdominal examination showed epigastric tenderness, but no peritoneal irritation. Plain abdominal X-ray showed no ileus. Abdominal CT showed intussusception in the right hypogastric region, but blood tests showed no findings to suggest inflammation. The man's symptoms again resolved spontaneously with passage of a large amount of flatus and defecation. An ileus tube was inserted to about 175cm and contrast studies showed a tumor 4 cm diameter in the ileum. Laparotomy showed intussusception of the small bowel at a diameter of 6 cm about 35 cm from the ileocecal valve. Intussusception was reduced manually and part of the small intestine excised. Histopathological examination fielded a diagnosis of liposarcoma. Based on these findings, diagnosed this as a rare liposarcoma causing intussusception of the small bowel.

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