Kazoku syakaigaku kenkyu
Online ISSN : 1883-9290
Print ISSN : 0916-328X
ISSN-L : 0916-328X
Relation of Labor Time and Domestic Labor Time of the couple
Primary factors of household division of labor in Japan through analysis of survey of time use and leisure activities
Shigeki MatsudaYukio Suzuki
Author information

2001 Volume 13 Issue 2 Pages 73-84


The purpose of this analysis is to examine the primary factors of household division of labor in Japan. This study used 1, 200 couples' data sub-sampled from the 1995 survey of time use and leisure activities conducted by Statistic Bureau. By multivariable analysis, we got the following findings. First : husbands' and wives' hours spent on domestic labor are determined by their own working hours, especially these of wives'. Second : they are also determined by their partner's working hours. But husbands' hours only increased when wives' hours spent on labor activities are longer than theirs. Third : they aren't determined by their partner's domestic working hours : husbands' and wives' domestic working hours aren't in a relation of a trade-off. As concerns differences of primary factors of household labor between spouses, these findings indicated that husbands do the labor if wives couldn't do it.

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