Nihon Bika Gakkai Kaishi (Japanese Journal of Rhinology)
Online ISSN : 1883-7077
Print ISSN : 0910-9153
ISSN-L : 0910-9153
Original Case Reports
Functional Rhinoplasty after Le Fort I Osteotomy: A Case Report
Daiki TakagiNobumitsu Honda
Author information

2023 Volume 62 Issue 1 Pages 148-152


Maxillary osteotomy (Le Fort type I osteotomy) is used as a corrective surgery for jaw deformity. Some cases of nasal obstruction as a postoperative complication of Le Fort type I osteotomy have been reported in the field of maxillofacial surgery, but there are few cases in otorhinolaryngology.

A 26-year-old woman was diagnosed with jaw deformity in a dental department and underwent Le Fort I osteotomy in the plastic surgery department at our hospital. Nasal obstruction developed immediately after surgery and did not improve, and the patient was referred to our department. CT showed that the nasal septal cartilage was greatly deflected to the right and formed a high degree of lordosis as the maxilla had moved upward by 4 mm due to the osteotomy. Nasal septoplasty using the hemitransfixion approach and bilateral submucosal inferior turbinectomy were performed.

Le Fort type I osteotomy may cause nasal obstruction with nasal septum deviation because the vertical width of the nasal cavity is shortened due to the upward movement of the maxilla. There is a need to share information on this complication between maxillofacial surgeons and otolaryngologists.

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