Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons
Online ISSN : 2187-4247
Print ISSN : 0288-609X
ISSN-L : 0288-609X
Specificity and future problems of pediatric surgery in Japan
Makoto Iwafuchi
Author information

1992 Volume 28 Issue 4 Pages 794-797


Twenty nine years have elapsed since Japnaese society of pediatric surgeons (JSPS) was organized in 1964. At the present time, JSPS with about 3,600 participants, is one of the main societies with a deep relationship to Japan Surgical Society. Furthermore, JSPS has organized the Board on Speciality Certification in Pediatric Surgery since 1979, with 135 certified instructors on pediatric surgical training,and with 211 certified competences. 1. Specificity of pediatric surgery is thought to be as follows : 1) Surgery of newborns, infants and children 2) Plastic surgery aiming to improve the dysfunction of organs 3) Surgery of pediatric solid malignant tumors 4) Surgery of pediatric surgical disease, regardless of patient's age 5) Special surgery different from general surgery 2 . Future problems of pediatric surgery may be as follows. 1) Low cost performance of surgery in pediatric patients 2) Decrease of child birth in recent days 3) Risk of fragmentation of surgery 4) Shortage of man power from view point of research From the aspect of social demand, pediatric surgeons seem to have to do training of general surgery in addition to pediatric surgery.

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© 1992 The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons

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