Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons
Online ISSN : 2187-4247
Print ISSN : 0288-609X
ISSN-L : 0288-609X
A Case of Femoral Hernia in a Child
Yasuhiko FurutaYoshihiro SakashitaOsamu Ishii
Author information
Keywords: Femoral hernia, Child

1995 Volume 31 Issue 2 Pages 198-201


A 4-year old boy was seen for evaluation of a recurrent right inguinal hernia. On physical examination, the bulge was lateral and inferior to the external inguinal ring, and was easily reducible. The diagnosis of femoral hernia was made. He underwent a right groin exploration and revealed a right femoral hernia. The hernia sac was ligated by transfixing sutrue at the neck of the sac, and was resected. The hernia porta was repaired with inguinal ligament sutured to Cooper's ligament. He made an uneventful postoperative recovery, with no recurrence in 12 months. Femoral hernia in children is rare. Twenty-eight children of this disease have been reported in Japan. The etiology of femoral hernia is still debated. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult. The methods of repair for femoral hernias are varied, but there is no uniform procedure.

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© 1995 The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons

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