Journal of Lipid Nutrition
Online ISSN : 1883-2237
Print ISSN : 1343-4594
ISSN-L : 1343-4594
Embarrassing points to be clarified in the future discussion on "Dietary Reference Intakes of Fat in the Japanese Population, 2005"
Yasuo Masuzawa
Author information

2006 Volume 15 Issue 1 Pages 27-36


Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for Japanese has been established in 2005. The criteria, newly introduced in DRI 2005 instead of previous recommended dietary allowances, may embarrass most of Japanese people, especially in these definitions and nomenclatures expressed in Japanese. In addition, several values in DRI, approved as acceptable distribution ranges or recommendations for fat and fatty acids, may be questionable. Particularly, an adequate intake for n-6 fatty acids, lower limits of tentative dietary goal (DG) for fat and saturated fatty acids, and an upper limit of DG for n-6 fatty acids should be clarified in the future discussion.

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