Various methods are used to analyse a slope such as the friction circle method, Fellenius and Bishop method; method of slices, Jambu' s method and others.
The topographic profile of landslides are often complexed so that the analysis method is the more simplified, the better. Method of slices is fitted to these requirements but it still needs amounts of manual calculation. These days, we take the advantage of micro computers, already installed in our laboratories.
It takes long to analyse a slope though we use a micro computer when we adopt the high density slice method. Auther thinks method of slice called simplified method should be more improved one. Digesting the method of slice, it was found integration method is adoptable for micro computers. Interpreting the expression (integration equality) for a computer and running it, it is clalified that the integration method is quite fitted to computers, results are theoretically accurate and executing time is shorter than the other methods.