Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
A Preliminary Study of the Summer Monsoon of Southern and Eastern Asia
N. Saito
Author information

1966 Volume 44 Issue 1 Pages 44-59


The summer monsoon of southern and eastern Asia was analyzed, and particularly the emphasis was put on the time variations of the space distributions of water vapour and wind system. The determination of the areas of the monsoon and trades was based upon the wind constancy and the vertical shear of wind. A distinct moist tongue appeared along the southern coast of the China continent early in June and advanced northward. The tongue was usually found to the north of the SW or SE monsoon rather than in the monsoon itself. Associating with the northward advances of the tongue and of the monsoon, a northward moving anticyclonic cell was well defined at 300mb over southern China. The regiaonl water vapour balances on the continent and Japan and surrounding sea were analyzed. The results show that the supply of considerable amount of vapour is necessary on the continent.

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