Journal of Information Processing and Management
Online ISSN : 1347-1597
Print ISSN : 0021-7298
ISSN-L : 0021-7298
Archiving electronic journals: Examination into the double strategy of “centralized” and “distributed” approaches from the viewpoint of access
Toshiyuki GOTO
Author information

2005 Volume 48 Issue 8 Pages 509-520


There are two approaches towards archiving electronic journals: centralized and distributed. This article examines them from the viewpoint of access to the archived content. In the centralized approach, access has been limited so far. However, it is possible to imagine providing content in the archive for the terminated subscribers or the institutions in developing countries. Projects such as NESLi2 and HINARI (The Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative) give hint on them. On the other hand, the distributed approach by LOCKSS arranges two kinds of access: audit between LOCKSS appliances and access from readers in the event of unavailability of publisher’s website. To judge the appropriateness of LOCKSS model, it is necessary to analyze its cost as a whole.

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© Japan Science and Technology Agency 2005
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