Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1347-4073
Print ISSN : 0031-9015
ISSN-L : 0031-9015
Facet Growth of 4He Crystal Induced by Acoustic Waves
Haruka AbeYu SaitohTetsuto UedaFutoshi OgasawaraRyuji NomuraYuichi OkudaAlexander Ya. Parshin
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2006 Volume 75 Issue 2 Pages 023601


Very fast growth of the c-facet of a 4He crystal was induced by acoustic waves. The growth velocity was larger at lower temperatures and saturated below about 400 mK. The velocity was proportional to the acoustic wave power. This fast growth cannot be explained by the spiral growth mechanism for the known value of the step mobility. We developed a step multiplication model for high-power acoustic waves and found reasonable agreement with the observed temperature and power dependence of the growth velocity.

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© The Physical Society of Japan 2006
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