2021 Volume 77 Issue 2 Pages I_301-I_306
Climate change effects have become global concern through decades due to its emerging hazards. Sea Level Rise (SLR) is one of the effects which may cause harm to the coastal communities due to the risk of damages, such as shoreline retreat and beach erosion. There are many previous studies regarding the effect of SLR on sandy beaches. However, the study regarding gravel beach response under SLR is still rare. Therefore, this study is conducted to investigate the effect of SLR on the past shoreline change by using Bruun rule on currently eroded gravel beach, Ida beach in Shichiri-mihama coast, Mie Prefecture. By comparing the calculation result with the past shoreline change data obtained from network camera system, the proportion of SLR contribution in shoreline change can be assessed. Results shows that SLR contribution is ranging between 5.1 – 8.7% of the actual shoreline retreat from November 2017 to November 2019. This indicates that there are other factors such as extreme waves playing more dominant role in the shoreline change compared to SLR in this gravel beach.