Host: Japanese Society for Engineering Education
Name : JSEE Annual Conference International Session
Number : 2017
Location : Tokyo City University, Setagaya Campus
Date : August 30, 2017 -
The lack of sufficient budget and scalability has been considered the main obstacles for digitalizing global education for engineering students. We faced the same problems during the process of improving our e-learning system SNOWBALLS. In this paper, we showcase an economic and efficient solution based on open-source e-learning platform Moodle and Microsoft Azure cloud computing technology. Compared to traditional e-learning solutions, our proposal ensures the security, reliability and accessibility of the SNOWBALLS e-learning system and it helps the educational institution reduce implementation cost. We present in detail the three steps of implementing the proposed solution: install and configure servers on the cloud, install and configure Moodle platform on the servers, and migrate contents from the previous SNOWBALLS system to the new system. We believe that the proposed solution will benefit other educational institutions that have similar needs, as well as benefiting students with ubiquitous, flexible and reliable e-learning experiences.