Bulletin of JSME
Online ISSN : 1881-1426
Print ISSN : 0021-3764
Three-dimensional Flame Development in a Closed Vessel : 2nd Report, Comparisons between Measured and Theoretical Results
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1986 Volume 29 Issue 258 Pages 4263-4269

In the previous report, space difference and numerical methods were proposed for simulating a three-dimensional laminar flame development after the mixture was ignited in a closed vessel. This report aims to raise this method to a level applicable to the actual problems involving a pressure drop, therefore, heat transfer from gas to wall. The previous analysing method has been combined with those of the change of average quantities of states in both burnt and unburnt regions. It has become feasible to evaluate the change of heat transfer rate and simulate more precisely the combustion process from ignition, maximum pressure, via burn-out of mixture to the time of slow decrease in pressure. The measured and calculated results have been compared with each other for laminar flames in a spherical and cylindrical vessel, and the effects of the point of ignition on the heat loss and pressure change have been examined.
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