1992 Volume 35 Issue 4 Pages 523-528
In a vehicle design which realizes good crash properties, it is desirable to increase the maximum and the mean crash load of a vehicle structure. A sensitivity analysis may be used to examine a vehicle structure efficiently. However, no report regarding this usage has been presented because of the complex nature of a vehicle crash analysis. In this paper, a new method for a sensitivity analysis is presented, which deals directly with a buckling load. As this is the first report, sensitivity of a structure is investigated to increase dynamic buckling strength, where the dynamic buckling is regarded as higher-order static buckling with a mode similar to the dynamic mode. A new approach to dynamic buckling problems based on a study of dynamic properties is introduced and discussed.
JSME International Journal Series C Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing
JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering
JSME International Journal Series A Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
JSME international journal. Ser. C, Dynamics, control, robotics, design and manufacturing
JSME international journal. Ser. 3, Vibration, control engineering, engineering for industry
JSME international journal. Ser. A, Mechanics and material engineering