Host: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Name : [in Japanese]
Date : October 25, 2023 - October 27, 2023
FEM_FrontISTR is a tool that calls the analysis functions of FrontISTR, a parallel finite element method structural analysis software, as a workbench of FreeCAD, a CAD application with users in many countries. FEM_FrontISTR can smoothly perform all processes of finite element analysis from model geometry creation to visualization of analysis results on the same screen, which is a significant advantage over the pre and postprocessing tools conventionally used in FrontISTR. As an external activity, it was introduced at an international FreeCAD user event in March 2023. In this presentation, we will introduce the new functions added to FEM_FrontISTR in 2022-2023, such as self-weight conditions and nonlinear material settings. The presentation will then discuss the features that should be developed in the future.