Host: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Name : The 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30)
Date : May 21, 2023 - May 26, 2023
As the important support system, the research on the power supply of the active PWR Nuclear Power plants is an important aspect to ensure that the design of the power plant can meet the response capacity of the design extending conditions, which has an important impact on the operation of safety measures, and is of great significance to prevent large-scale radioactive release of nuclear power plants. Loss of off-site power (LOOP) is considered in all plant design basis and managed through a series of redundant and diverse approaches. Station blackout (SBO) is a design extending condition (DEC) for the design of most nuclear power plants. The designed SBO response time, effective measures must be taken to make the unit safe shutdown state and prevent core melting. The minimum acceptance outage time of Station Blackout of the a third generation active and passive PWR Nuclear Power plants is studied in this paper, and also the response capacity is considered.