The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan
Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
Session ID : J151-08
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Development of a high five motion model for high five robots
*Shunsuke OTASeiko TAKIMitsuru JINDAIYoichiro SATO
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In recent years, it is expected to use robots that support humans in medical care and living support. In places where robots and humans live together, there are situations where robots have to contact humans. In this cases, it is necessary to clarify how humans feel and what kind of movement characteristics they prefer due to the movement of robots, Therefore, in previous studies, it was shown that the movement characteristics that humans prefer differ in contact and non -contact movements. In this study, the development of a high five motion model, which is the base for robot movements, was developed. In order to develop a motion model, we first analyzed the movement of the elbow joint at the swinging when humans high five. The obtained elbow joint velocity pattern suggested that the mini mum jerk models could be used. Then, the starting angle, end angle, motion time, and peak position required for the minimum jerk model were analyzed. As a result, the distribution of parameters required for movement generation was analyzed. In addition, it was shown that the movement of the elbow joint has a significant effect by distance.

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© 2022 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
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