Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series A
Online ISSN : 1884-8338
Print ISSN : 0387-5008
Effect of Second Principal Stress on Mode I Surface Crack Propagation of Al2O3/Al Alloy Composites
Seiichiro KITAOKAYuichi ONOAtsuyosi TSUJIYasuhiro UDA
Author information

1999 Volume 65 Issue 631 Pages 628-634


Using a plate made of A2017-T6 metal matrix composites reinforced with 10 vol. % and 20 vol. % Al2O3 particles, crack propagation rate da/dN of a mode I suface crack by the simultaneous action of plane bending and cyclic torsion is sought. And the effects of crack tip opening stress σtop, crack opening displacement COD and biaxial stress ratio C on da/dN are examined. When ⊿K is lower than the peculiar level, da/dN decreases with the increase of volume fraction of Al2O3 in C=0 and C=-0.55. But da/dN of Al alloy becomes minimum in C=-1 and the effect of Al2O3 particles disappears. σtop increases with Al2O3 particles and the decrease of C. On the other hand, COD not always increases with the decrease of C. These phenomena can be explained by the residual compressive stress formed at the surface layer of the specimen by the fatigue test and the surface roughness of crack section.

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