Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
Fluid Behavior in Two-Dimensional Vane-Type Surface Tension Tank Under Reduced Gravity Condition
Ryoji ImaiToshikazu YanoShintaro Enya
Author information

1994 Volume 60 Issue 572 Pages 1242-1249


Fluid behavior in a two-dimensional vane-type surface tension tank is investigated under a reduced gravity condition by using drop tower and drop shaft facilities. The surface tension tank has a liquid-gas separation mechanism with capillary force, which is realized by varying the gap between the outer edge of the vane and inner wall of the tank. The influence of Bond number, contact angle, and vane configuration on fluid behavior is experimentally and analytically clarified. It is also shown that experimental results agree well with analytical ones especially when the gap is small.

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