Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
Upper Tolerance Limit of Vibration Response for Satellite Panel Under Diffused Acoustic Field Excitation
Shigemasa ANDOQinzhong SHI
Author information

2006 Volume 72 Issue 716 Pages 1130-1135


Severe random vibration is easily induced to satellite structure during the flight. Ground acoustic test is conducted to verify the structural design and abnormal function of equipments. Prediction of the upper tolerance limit, therefore, can be determined to define the design tolerance in probabilistic sense for achieving the conservative design purposes. This paper deals with the upper tolerance limit of vibration response for the satellite plate under high frequency diffused acoustic excitation. The upper tolerance limit is derived based on the statistical distribution of the vibroacoustic response together with the theoretical description of response variance. The upper tolerance limit for the acceleration level obtained by Statistical Energy Analysis is compared with the existing methods and the acoustic experiment result. The result from comparison shows that the upper tolerance limit presented in this paper yields good estimate of P 95 and P 99 level for conservative design.

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