La mer
Online ISSN : 2434-2882
Print ISSN : 0503-1540
Creation of French-Japanese Ocean Development Sub-Committee and its subsequent activities
Gen Totani
Author information

2024 Volume 61 Issue 3-4 Pages 129-136

This article outlines the creation of the French-Japanese Ocean Development Sub- Committee, which was established under the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between France and Japan signed in 1974 and its subsequent activities. In July 1974, the French side expressed interest in krill harvesting and utilization, fish pathology, and manganese nodules at the Japan-France Joint Committee on Cooperation in Science and Technology. The first meeting of the French-Japanese Ocean Development Sub-Committee was held in April 1975, during which the Japanese side expressed interest in diving technology, coastal development and marine structures, and marine observation equipment. In October of the same year, at the second meeting of the sub-committee, discussions were held on bluefin tuna farming and marine energy in both France and Japan. In recent years, the conference of the sub-committee has been expanding with reports on continuing, new and completed projects under the main themes of marine research, marine technology and research infrastructure, marine resources, marine biotechnology, deep-sea ecosystems, coastal ecosystems and social ecosystems. The sub-committee plays a significant role in promoting cooperation between France and Japan in the ocean development.
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