Journal of Life Support Engineering
Online ISSN : 1884-5827
Print ISSN : 1341-9455
ISSN-L : 1341-9455
Research Papers
Development of a Rowing Machine for Elderly People
Takehiro IwamiKazuto MiyawakiKazuya SantoGoro ObinataYoichi ShimadaToshiki MatsunagaMineyoshi SatoMotoki Watanabe
Author information

2009 Volume 21 Issue 2 Pages 63-69

Machines and equipment to improve the healthy daily life of elderly people are becoming increasingly important. Resistance training equipment is especially effective for muscle atrophy prevention, not only in healthy adult people, but also in elderly people and even disabled individuals. Reportedly, training for elderly people is safe, and it ameliorates cardiovascular disease risk factors. Based on a new concept to strengthen disused muscles and to enable whole-body exercise in seniors, we developed a device using power rehabilitation technology. This study developed a new rowing machine that elderly people can use for safe and effective rehabilitation exercise.
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© 2009 The Society of Life Support Engineering
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