Journal of Life Support Engineering
Online ISSN : 1884-5827
Print ISSN : 1341-9455
ISSN-L : 1341-9455
Research Papers
Development of a Wheelchair with a Lifting Function
- Conceptual Design and the Verification Using a Scale Model and a Full-Sized Prototype -
Yoshikazu MoriNorikatsu SakaiKaoru Katsumura
Author information

2011 Volume 23 Issue 3 Pages 108-115

A wheelchair with a lifting function is designed to assist a caregiver when transferring a wheelchair user not only indoors but also outdoors. The target user is typically a severely disabled person with disabled upper and lower limbs, and therefore needs the physical support when using a toilet or transferring from a bed to a wheelchair and so forth. Both the wheelchair and the lift are driven by their respective motors. The user can approach above the toilet stool or the bed from the rear because the large driving wheels are located in front of the body and the seat can be folded. This paper presents the concept design and the experimental results of a scale model wheelchair with the lifting function, which confirms the design effectiveness. In addition, the traveling, the lifting operation and how to fold are demonstrated using a full-sized prototype.
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© 2011 The Society of Life Support Engineering
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