Mathematical Linguistics
Online ISSN : 2433-0302
Print ISSN : 0453-4611
Special Issue 2020 on the "Mathematical Analysis of Linguistic Data and Japanese Language Teaching for Foreigners"
What Can Quantitative Analysis Do for Issues in Japanese Language Education?
JaeHo Lee
Author information

2020 Volume 32 Issue 7 Pages 372-386


Japanese language education is an area of research that deals with themes that span language, education, and society. This can be confirmed by the history of Japanese language education over the past 40 years. I will consider what kind of facts the frequency analysis model of quantitative linguistics reveals about various research issues in Japanese language education, based on specific cases. In particular, the following three facts will be revealed: 1) research based on the survey and analysis of a large corpus of native speaker data has the potential to resolve issues in Japanese language education across language and education, 2) research based on the survey and analysis of a learner's corpus has the potential to address issues in Japanese language education, especially second language acquisition, 3) research based on the survey analysis of small-scale, self-made corpus is effective in solving the problems of Japanese language education in society.

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© 2020 The Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan

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