Mathematical Linguistics
Online ISSN : 2433-0302
Print ISSN : 0453-4611
2022 Special Section on the "Quantitative Research to Capture the Characteristics of Writing Style and Genre "
An Attempt to Clarify the Characteristics of the Style of Social Networking Service
In the Case of Weblog and Twitter
Chiaki Kishimoto
Author information

2022 Volume 33 Issue 7 Pages 466-480


The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of the style of weblog and Twitter. The results of the examination of the ratio of parts of speech and the ratio of parts of lexical stratification of weblog confirm that the style of weblog is extremely close to that of spoken language. In the case of Twitter, its style is, based on its ratio of parts of speech, considered to be similar to that of the written language. But it is reasonable to interpret this as an effect of the limited number of letters and characters used there. As concerns the ratio of parts of lexical stratification of Twitter, the ratio of native Japanese words ranks higher: Colloquial or slang words, words that emphasize the writer's feelings, or words that evaluate things are used frequently. The effect of web mark in the style was reexamined by logit transformation of data, and its result showed that in both weblog and Twitter, sentences with web mark were highly rated for adjectival nouns and interjections, while sentences without web mark were highly rated for prenoun adjectivals and conjunctions.

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© 2022 The Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan

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