2017 Volume 41 Issue 5 Pages 81-93
Various transition-metal magnetic materials have been investigated from basic and practical viewpoints. The concentration dependence of the Néel temperature TN of Cr-based alloys is complicated. Cr-Si and Cr-Fe antiferromagnetic alloys show Invar characteristics in the ternary alloys. Fe-based amorphous alloys exhibit weak ferromagnetic properties, resulting in remarkable magnetovolume effects. The icosahedral quasicrystals containing Mn show a spin-glass behavior, in a similar manner as those of amorphous counterparts. Itinerant-electron metamagnetic transition occurs in La(FexSi1-x)13, accompanied by many drastic change in magnetic and elastic properties. These drastic changes are practically useful in the field magnetic refrigeration and linear magnetostriction. The magnitude of TN of Mn-based γ-phase is increased by addition of Ir, Ru, Rh and the spin structures change, depending on temperature and composition. Several kinds of L10-type Mn alloys have a high value of TN with a large magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The shift of the exchange-bias field for the collinear spin structure in L10-type phase is induced by spin frustration. L21- and B2-type Co2CrGa metallurgical stable alloys exhibit a high spin polarization. Several kinds of L21-type and B2-type alloys show a large ferromagnetic shape memory effect associated with twin-boundary motions.