ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications
Online ISSN : 2186-7364
ISSN-L : 2186-7364
Special Section on Future Audiovisual Media: UHDTV, 3DTV, and Beyond
[Invited Paper] Development of Super Multi-View Displays
Yasuhiro Takaki
Author information

2014 Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages 8-14


Conventional three-dimensional (3D) displays have a problem regarding human 3D perception. There is a conflict between vergence and accommodation, which are physiological factors of human 3D perception, and this conflict causes visual fatigue. Therefore, super multi-view (SMV) displays have been developed to solve this problem. In SMV displays, the interval between viewpoints is reduced such that it is smaller than the pupil diameter of the eyes. Measurements of eye responses show that the SMV displays have the effect of enlarging the depth of focus (DOF) of eyes. When 3D images are displayed in the enlarged DOF range, the vergence-accommodation conflict does not occur. However, the SMV displays must generate highdensity viewpoints. This paper describes several SMV display systems, such as the focused light array system, the multi-projection system, the flat-panel system, the hybrid system, the time-multiplexing system, and the head-mount system. Future developments are also discussed.

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© 2014 The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
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