Proceedings of the Conference of Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology
The 3rd Conference of Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology
Session ID : 1N2-5
Conference information

Risk management and innovation that food manufacturing industry faces
Relation, compliance, and safety and safety at self-sufficiency in food improvement and Chinese factory
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While there are many raw materials different individually, and a shape, size, an ingredient use it in comparison with a thing having a process of the product production using the raw materials which are in a stable state like other manufacturing industry, as for the food manufacturing industry, there is the difficulty that must maintain an always constant quality standard in the product. That is why I cross the product for a long term and I am stable and continue supplying it for a price of the quantity in the market, and the hurdle which must go when I retain it as a for-profit company is high. Here, I give consideration to the actual situation of the modern food manufacturing industry at "relief / security", "CSR" as the company, a point of view of "the risk management".

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© 2009 Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology
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