The Japanese Journal of Phlebology
Online ISSN : 2186-5523
Print ISSN : 0915-7395
ISSN-L : 0915-7395
Asymptomatic Pulmonary Artery Thromboembolism Accompanied with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Yohko PearceNaoki HayashidaHirokazu MurayamaKohzo MatsuoSohichi AsanoYukio OhashiHiraki KohnoTakemi RandaKatsuhiko TatsunoMasahisa MasudaNobuyuki Nakajima
Author information

2001 Volume 12 Issue 3 Pages 283-287


The frequency of asymptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) was assessed in patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A total of 19 limbs of 17 patients (1 upper limb, 18 lower limb) during this 3-year period referred to our hospitals with clinically suspected DVT. The patients underwent the following procedure: DVT was diagnosed by Ultrasound or MRI, assessment of risk factors, coagulation factor and immunological blood test, pulmonary perfusion scanning (Tc99m-MAA). If the perfusion scan showed pulmonary perfusion deficits, the same test would be performed after 6 month. The patients whose onset was within one week received thrombolysis therapy and oral anti-coagulation therapy. Those whose onset was after one week only received oral anticoagulation or anti-platelet therapy. Seven of thirteen patients who had initially pulmonary perfusion scan were positive but asymptomatic (53.2%). However, all the patients except one who had previous venous thrombectomy 6 years ago showed no trace of pulmonary perfusion deficit after 6 months. The ratio of asymptomatic pulmonary artery embolism was high. However, the deficits of pulmonary perfusion scan improved by conservative therapy. Therefore, the indication of

temporarily IVC filter would be limited.

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