The Japanese Journal of Phlebology
Online ISSN : 2186-5523
Print ISSN : 0915-7395
ISSN-L : 0915-7395
Compression Therapy in Venous Insufficiency
Masafumi Hirai
Author information

2002 Volume 13 Issue 4 Pages 253-259


Compression therapy is one of the most powerful instruments of the phlebologist, and it remains the primary treatment for venous insufficiency, either as the sole type of treatment or in conjunction with other forms of therapy. The effect depends on several factors, including the underlying disease, the exerted pressure, the sites of the limb where the compression therapy is applied, the compression materials such as short-stretch or elastic bandages, and the application technique. After sclerotherapy for the treatment of leg varicose veins, the compression therapy is also used, because the success of sclerotherapy is believed to depend on uninterrupted compression of the veins at the sites of injection. Interface pressure under elastic materials during posture changes and exercise is similar to that under short-stretch bandages when compression pads are used. Therefore, we recommend elastic materials immediately after sclerotherapy. Because low compliance for compression therapy is mostly owing to incorrect application, we should train to be able to use the proper compression therapy.

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