The Japanese Journal of Phlebology
Online ISSN : 2186-5523
Print ISSN : 0915-7395
ISSN-L : 0915-7395
The Practice of Physical Treatment of Lymphedema
Akio Hirota
Author information

2005 Volume 16 Issue 5 Pages 305-311


Lymphedema appears in most cases after surgery for breast cancer, uterine cancer and other cancers, manifesting as swelling of the upper or lower limbs. Conservative therapy of peripheral lymphedema is known as a complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP), which involves a two-stage treatment program. The first phase consists of manual lymph drainage, range of motion exercise, skin care and compression typically applied with multi-layered bandage-wrapping.

The CDP is performed exclusively on an inpatient basis in specialized hospitals. The second phase aims to conserve and optimize the results obtained in Phase 1. It consists of compression by a low-stretch elastic stocking or sleeve, skin care, exercise and repeated selflymphdrainage as needed.

Important thing, however, is that these medical treatment can produce enough effects even if on an outpatient basis.

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