The Japanese Journal of Phlebology
Online ISSN : 2186-5523
Print ISSN : 0915-7395
ISSN-L : 0915-7395
Diagnostic Efficacy of CT Venography for Crural Stasis Ulcer
Takashi ShibuyaHisashi Satoh
Author information

2008 Volume 19 Issue 3 Pages 155-160


Aim: To determine the effectiveness of CT venography (CTV) in diagnosis and establishment of treatment policy for crural stasis ulcer. Object and method: The study selected 12 legs of 11 cases of non-healing (CEAP C6) among 270 legs of 227 cases that underwent surgical operation for varicosity. Contrast medium was administered from veins of upper limbs by using 16-row MDCT. Obtained axial images were structured into 2D cine and perforator veins were recorded in 3D images. Result: Duplex scan examination was diffi cult with three widespread ulcerated limbs. Using CTV it was possible to detect perforator veins with all limbs but not possible to diagnose regurgitation and valvular incompetence. Summary: CTV does not offer function test capability, but is excellent in objectivity and reproducibility as it enables physicians to grasp the big picture of veins in lower extremities in a short span of time although veins in the lower extremities are not subjected to pressure as they are in a real life because measurements are taken in the supine position. For widespread ulcer that duplex scan alone does not provide accurate diagnosis of incomplete perforator veins, less invasive and precise diagnosis can be made on pathogenetic veins when combined with CTV tests.

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