The Japanese Journal of Phlebology
Online ISSN : 2186-5523
Print ISSN : 0915-7395
ISSN-L : 0915-7395
The Survey of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Venous Thromboembolism Prevention: Japanese Vein Study XIII
Hirono SatokawaTakashi YamakiHirohide IwataMasahiro SakataNorihide SuganoToshiya NishibeMakoto MoNorikazu Yamada
Author information

2012 Volume 23 Issue 3 Pages 271-281


This study was performed to investigate the risk factors, diagnostic method, distribution, and treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and to investigate venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention in Japan. A questionnaire survey was mailed to the members of the Japanese Society of Phlebology. The contents of the survey dealt with the treatment of new DVT cases in the year 2009 and the prevention of VTE. 1162 DVT patients were reported from 72 institutions. Operation was the most important risk factor for DVT (38.2%). For diagnosis, an ultrasound method was mainly used (87.7%), whereas phlebography was used in only 33 patients (2.8%). DVT locations were proximal type (52.2%) and distal type (47.8%), which included 119 patients with bilateral peripheral type. In the distal type, soleal vein thrombosis was most frequent (84.3%) and then peroneal vein thrombosis (19.9%). Patients were mainly treated medicinally (80.8%). Medication included unfractionated heparin (57.0%) and Urokinase (11.1%). Prophylactic methods were used at 60 institutions (85.7%). The precautions were elastic stockings (91.4%), early ambulation (84.3%), pneumatic compression (81.4%) and anticoagulant (52.9%). The number of DVT patients has increased and the frequency of the distal type especially increased. Anticoagulant therapy is most commonly used for treatment. Prophylactic methods for VTE were used in most institutions, however, the rate of anticoagulation administration was not high and is considered to be insufficient in Japan.

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