The Japanese Journal of Phlebology
Online ISSN : 2186-5523
Print ISSN : 0915-7395
ISSN-L : 0915-7395
Case Reports
Preoperative Rehabilitation for the Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Case Series of 10 Patients
Ryuji TaketoshiMotoaki HiguchiToshihiro WadaHiroshi Yuine
Author information

2022 Volume 33 Issue 3 Pages 311-315


Early ambulation is one of the most important methods for preventing postoperative venous thromboembolism. Preoperative assessment in preoperative rehabilitation may be useful for the assessment of predictive factors that influence early ambulation prognosis in patients after surgery, thereby reducing postoperative complications. In this case series, we investigated whether patients could walk early after surgery and whether on the onset of deep vein thrombosis in 10 patients who underwent preoperative rehabilitation. Lower limb muscle strength, exercise tolerance, respiratory function, mental function, and postoperative general condition were assessed. Results showed that patients with good preoperative physical function were able to walk early following surgery. However, two patients with a decreased 6-minute walking distance required intensive postoperative management, including prolonged mechanical ventilation. Moreover, these patients did not achieve early ambulation. Calf vein thrombosis was detected in one of these patients and who was decreased physical function, mental function, and anemia. In conclusion, the preoperative assessment of physical function, mental function, and anemia is effective in predicting early postoperative ambulation.

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