Respiratory Endoscopy
Online ISSN : 2758-3813
Original Article
Aerosol and Droplet Dispersion Control during Bronchoscopy Using a Newly Developed Oxygen Mask
Yuki NagamatsuMasatoshi KakihanaYujin KudoWakako HamanakaYohei KawaguchiYuki YamadaChiaki KannoSachio MaeharaMasaru HagiwaraTatsuo OhiraNorihiko Ikeda
Author information

2024 Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages 25-31


Background: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a newly modified oxygen mask to contain droplets and aerosols during bronchoscopy. The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has generated attention to the importance of infection control, especially in aerosol-generating procedures, such as bronchoscopy. A modified mask was designed to allow bronchoscope insertion, oxygen administration, and aspiration of oral secretions while preventing droplet and aerosol dispersion.

Materials and Methods: The mask was created by modifying a commercially available non-rebreathing oxygen mask. All the exhalation holes were sealed, and two new holes were drilled for the oxygen tube, bronchoscope, and suction tube. The holes were covered with rubber and provided with X-shaped slits to prevent aerosol and droplet dispersal. This study used a particle visualization system to visually assess the spread of particles during simulated coughing with and without a modified mask. The particles were quantified using a counting system. Mask safety was evaluated by monitoring a healthy volunteer's carbon dioxide levels, oxygen saturation, and heart rate. Additionally, these parameters were monitored in seven patients undergoing bronchoscopy.

Results: The modified masks significantly reduced droplet and aerosol dispersion. The modified mask successfully prevented aerosol leakage during bronchoscopy in a human model. The mask reduced droplet and aerosol dispersion by approximately 97% in a human participant. Safety assessments in the seven patients suggested that the mask was safe for use during bronchoscopy as it did not significantly affect the carbon dioxide levels or oxygen saturation.

Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the modified masks effectively minimized the spread of potentially infectious particles during bronchoscopy and were safe for patients. This is especially important considering the potential for asymptomatic individuals to transmit infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. This study advocates the universal use of such masks during bronchoscopy to protect healthcare workers and patients from airborne transmission.

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© 2024 The Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy

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