Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi
Online ISSN : 2186-4586
Print ISSN : 0387-1533
ISSN-L : 0387-1533
Original Articles
Creep Behavior for Combined Rouse-Reptation Mechanism
Hiroshi WatanabeTadashi Inoue
Author information

2004 Volume 32 Issue 3 Pages 113-116


Recoverable creep compliance JR(t) was analytically calculated for polymer chains relaxing through the Rouse and reptation mechanisms at short and long time scales, respectively. The ratio of the longest relaxation times of these mechanisms, rτ = τRouserep, was varied from 0.056 to 0.0033. The calculation indicated that the effect of the fast Rouse mechanism on the distribution of slow modes of JR(t) decreases with decreasing r τ but a considerable effect remains even for rτ as small as 0.0033, i.e., even for the case of reptation-dominance in the terminal relaxation behavior. This result demonstrates an important difference between the creep and relaxation processes, the former being associated with a correlation (or interplay) of eigenmodes of chain motion due to the constant stress requirement.

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© 2004 The Society of Rheology, Japan
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