Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi
Online ISSN : 2186-4586
Print ISSN : 0387-1533
ISSN-L : 0387-1533
Entanglement Molecular Weight
Yuichi MasubuchiYuya DoiTakashi Uneyama
Author information

2020 Volume 48 Issue 4 Pages 177-183


In some literature, entanglement molecular weight Me is discussed as a material property that characterizes magnitudes of entanglement for polymeric liquids. However, Me was introduced as a model parameter for theories that explain the plateau modulus, and the value is model dependent. A value of Me may induce misleading analysis if it is presented without noting the underlying theoretical model. Meanwhile, attempts in molecular simulations allow us to extract Me from a snapshot of entwining molecules via the topological analysis. However, the relation has not been fully clarified yet between the extracted network and the entangled polymer dynamics; the latter is the retarded molecular motion observed for dense polymeric liquids with high molecular weight. Analysis of the reduction of entanglement density under deformations is also a matter of discussion since some molecular theories can reproduce non-linear rheology with stable entanglement density.

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© 2020 The Society of Rheology, Japan
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