Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1883-1184
Print ISSN : 0289-7911
ISSN-L : 0289-7911
Trial of Disaster Information Management on Slope along Railways Using Remote Sensing
M. SetojimaT. Noguchi
Author information

1991 Volume 11 Issue 2 Pages 281-288_3


In this study, we discuss the methods to manage the disaster information of slope land along the railway from the comprehensive viewpoint basing on the image analysis method of aerial photograph data already reported in this proceeding (1991, Setojima and Oyama) and utilizing the various information including related geographical information and map information.
Main method used for conventional management of slope land long the railway has been the interpretation of aerial photograph. By this method, however, the volume of information to be collected is limited, and as the information thus collected is mostly expressed on a map, it has been too complicated to interpret and difficult to use.
Due to the recent development of remote sensing technique, especially due to the rapid and technical access between remote sensing and GIS, more complex and comprehensive analysis have been realized by adding these techniques, to comprehensive remote sensing. As one of the methods to utilize these techniques for the prevention of disasters on slope land along railway and the management of railway facility, we tried to apply the image analysis technique using GIS functions for this purpose.

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