Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 2185-517X
Print ISSN : 0038-0830
ISSN-L : 0038-0830
Relation between the Station Movements by NUVEL-1 Model and Those Observed by VLBI and SLR
Yukio Takahashi
Author information

1994 Volume 40 Issue 3 Pages 243-253

The current station movements obtained by VLBI and SLR agree with those expected from the Nuvel-1 model which gives the average velocity of plate motion for the last few million years. We present quantitatively the degree of agreements in a statistical manner. Assuming that the station moves on the surface of the Earth by virtue of the standard model of plate motion, we compare the movements in the horizontal and vertical directions obtained by VLBI and SLR with those expected from the NUVEL-1 model. Systematic difference is found in the movement in the east direction.The agreements are within 8 mm/year for horizontal movements, within 19 mm/year for the vertical movements and within 9 mm/year for the change in the baseline length.The changes in the Earth's radius brings about both the vertical movement and the change in the baseline length. We examine their changes, but we can not found the clear change greater than 1 mm/year.
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