Studies in Science and Technology
Online ISSN : 2187-1590
Print ISSN : 2186-4942
ISSN-L : 2187-1590
General Article
Reconsideration on human centered AI for autonomous vehicle
Is technological development to decrease traffic accidents involving vulnerable road users prioritized?
Takeshi Kimura
Author information

2022 Volume 11 Issue 2 Pages 91-100


This paper examines how the guiding principle of human-centered AI can be reflected in the social acceptance of self-driving cars in relation to the reduction in the number of traffic accidents, which has been cited as a benefit of self-driving car development. First, we point out the discrepancy between the benefits of automated vehicle development and social implementation and the current state of technological development. Second, recent research trends related to the social acceptance of automated vehicles will be described, and based on this, third, the importance of turning our attention from the dilemma problem to social needs will be discussed. Fourth, we will address the position of the benefit of reducing the number of traffic accidents against people in the social needs of automated vehicles. Although the reduction in the number of traffic accidents is often cited as the first benefit of introducing automated vehicles to society, this section discusses how this benefit is positioned in terms of actual technological development, and points out that technological development to reduce the number of traffic accidents is not necessarily being promoted. Fifth, the importance of reducing the number of traffic accidents involving bodily injury is discussed, and the importance of paying attention to ethical and social acceptability in this regard. Sixth, we will discuss the trends revealed by the statistics of traffic accidents in Japan. Seventh, the number of traffic accidents involving vulnerable road users will be discussed, and the characteristics of accidents resulting in death or serious injury of vulnerable road users will be examined by type of traffic accident. The importance of prioritizing the development of automated driving technology to reduce the number of traffic accidents involving vulnerable road users will be discussed.

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© 2022 Society for Science and Technology

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