Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution
Online ISSN : 2186-3695
Print ISSN : 0386-7064
ISSN-L : 0386-7064
Micro Scale Diffusion from Streets in Regidential Areas
Hitoshi KONOShozo ITO
Author information

1985 Volume 20 Issue 6 Pages 429-437


Diffusion of a tracer gas, from a street up to a distance 150 m away from the street in a residential area, is discussed.
A body source model is proposed as one of the ways in modeling the initial dispersion made by mechanical mixing of the gas in a street canyon.
When the width of the body source is assumed to be equal to that of the street and the height to be the mean height of the houses, the. predicted concentration agrees to a certain degree with that of the field observation.

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© Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment
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