1967 Volume 53 Issue 13 Pages 1467-1477
The rates of dissolution of carbon from the rotating or stationary graphite rods into liquid Fe-C alloy were studied in the temperature range 1270-1550°C.
It was concluded that the dissolution process was controlled by mass-transfer in the liquid.
Applying non-dimensional correlation of mass-transfer under the forced convection to the experimental results on the rotating rods, the effective interdiffusivity De (cm2/sec) in liquid Fe-C alloy were estimated. In other hand, mass-transfer coefficient k (cm/sec) on the stationary rods were estimated by using non-dimmensional correlation under the free convection and compared with the experimental results.
Employing effective interdiffusivity De, experimental results on the stationary rods can be summerized as follows:
(Sh)=0.115 (Gr·m×Sc)1/3
Furthermore, effects of the heat of solution of carbon and the rates of heat-transfer on the dissolution process were briefly discussed.