Online ISSN : 1883-2954
Print ISSN : 0021-1575
ISSN-L : 0021-1575
Gas-phase Mass Transfer by Impinging Jet on Liquid Surface in Crucible
Hiroshi SAITOAkinori YOSHIZAWATanekazu SOMA
Author information

1984 Volume 70 Issue 1 Pages 58-64


Average mass transfer between an impinging laminar jet of gas and a liquid surface in a crucible was studied.
The experiments were carried out in the following systems;
a) H2O (1)-CO2 (g), C2H5OH (l)-H2 (g) and H2O (l)-CO2 (g) systems with known diffusion coefficients DAB (m2/s) near room temperature (1060°C),
b) FeCl2-(l)-N2 (g) system with unknown diffusion coefficient in high temperature (700930°C).
(1) For the average Sherwood number Sh (≡kdc/ DAB), the correlation was obtained as
Sh=m (rc/d)-1Re0.87 Sc0.66, (m= 0.56 ± 0.06)
by the experiment on systems a) under condition;
4≤Re≤800, 0.5≤Sc≤1.24, 3.17≤(rc/d)≤9.5.
(2) For the system b), Sh could also be expressed by the above equation above for 20≤Re≤200, rc/d= 2.42.
(3) Temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient of FeCl2 (g) in N2 (g) for 700 to 930°C, 1 atm was obtained as
DFeCl2- N2=a (T/273)2.0×10-4, (a= 0.31±0.01) (m2/s)
based on the similarity between experiments a) and b) for gas-phase mass transfer.

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