2018 Volume 43 Issue 2 Pages 75-80
The production of 99Mo via a (n, γ) reaction is a simple and easy method and is advantageous from the viewpoints of nuclear proliferation resistance and waste management. However, the production of 99 mTc solutions with heavy levels of radioactivity is difficult because the specific radioactivity of 99Mo produced via this method is extremely low. Thus, it is necessary to develop a novel adsorbent with high Mo-adsorption efficiency. In this study, alumina (Al2O3), which is often used in medical 99Mo/99 mTc generators, was used as the Mo adsorbent. Al2O3 specimens were prepared with three types of starting powders and sintered at different temperatures; in addition, their Mo adsorption and desorption properties were evaluated. The results indicated that the Mo-adsorption properties are influenced by the crystal structure and the specific surface of the Al2O3. In addition, the basic chemical properties of the solution eluted from each developed Al2O3 specimen were within the limits given by the guidelines.