Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 2188-1650
Print ISSN : 1382-3469
ISSN-L : 1382-3469
Regular Papers
Local Disorder in Proton Conductor BaSn0.5In0.5O2.75 Analyzed by Neutron Diffraction/ Atomic Pair Distribution Function
Naoki IgawaKatsuaki KodamaTomitsugu TaguchiYukihiko YoshidaTakeshi MatsukawaAkinori HoshikawaToru Ishigaki
Author information

2018 Volume 43 Issue 6 Pages 329-332


We carried out the neutron powder diffraction study to reveal the local disorder in the proton conductor BaSn0.5In0.5O2.75. We analyzed this material by the combination of the Rietveld refinement and the maximum entropy method and confirmed that this material has the cubic structure with the space group of Pm3m, and that Sn and In atoms randomly occupy 1b site. However, the atomic pair distribution function (PDF) indicated that this material can be fitted well by the structural model with a tetragonal phase, P4/mmm from the original-cubic structure below the maximum distance between a pair of atoms, rmax of 6 Å, and as rmax increases, this disorder is released and that structure changes to the original-cubic structure. We found that the local structural disorder is caused by the displacement of Ba and O atoms.

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© 2018 The Materials Research Society of Japan
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