The Journal of Agrarian History
Online ISSN : 2423-9070
Print ISSN : 0493-3567
The Formative Process of the Wages-Theory in Capital
Shoichi Saito
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1998 Volume 40 Issue 4 Pages 1-13


What is the significance of Part VI "Wages" in Karl Marx's Capital (Vol. 1) ? Is it a supplement to the preceding surplus-value-theory (Part HI-Part V), or an intermediation between surplus-value-theory and accumulation-theory (Part VII)? This is the first problem to be argued in this paper. In the first edition of Capital (1867), this wages-theory was arranged in Section 4 of Chapter V (later Part V). But since the second edition (1872-73), the wages-theory has been arranged in one independent part (Part VI). Why was the constitution of Capital modified? This is the second problem. It seems reasonable to suppose that the inquiry into the second problem gives a key to the first problem. We shall concentrate on the significance of the wages-theory in the first edition. The wages-theory in the first edition was a supplement to Chapter V (later Part V). We can clearly see the birth of the wages-theory in the "manuscript 1861/63". In this manuscript Marx studied some changes of magnitude in the value of labour-power and in surplus-value, and he inquired further into how these changes were reflected in time-wages. Therefore in the first edition, the wages-theory was a supplement to Chapter V, above all to Section 2 "Changes of Magnitude in the Price of Labour-Power and in Surplus-Value". During the revision of Capital, Marx retouched the wages-theory. A new content was added to Chapter XX "National Differences of Wages". The content runs as follows: According to the development of capitalistic production, the intensity of labour increases in general, and the ratio of the surplus-value historically increases. With this revision as a turning point, the wages-theory has had the significance not only as a supplement of Part V, but also as a supplement for the whole parts of the surplus-value-theory (Part HI-Part V). And in order to express this new significance, Marx modified the constitution of Capital.

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© 1998 The Political Economy and Economic History Society
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