Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology
The 48th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Toxicology
Session ID : W8-3
Conference information

Workshop 8
AI engineers don't know toxicology -Fill the gap between engineers and maximize the effect of AI utilization-
*Tomoya SOMA
Author information


In recent years, things that were only in the science fiction world 30 years ago, such as "artificial intelligence" and "machine learning," are becoming reality. Among them, not only companies but also individuals are seeking to utilize AI to find new value. However, AI is also a tool, and its effect cannot be obtained unless it is used well.

But here we run into one big problem. It is a skill gap between engineers who develop or master AI and engineers who really want to utilize it. Each other does not know anything about the content or skills of the other person's work. Originally, mutual understanding is necessary to make the best use of the tool of technology.

In this lecture, the lecturer's own experience will focus on how AI engineers who do not know toxicology at all and toxicologists who do not know AI at all or may have a misunderstanding will seek mutual understanding and utilization. I will explain based on. Starting from the basic idea of ​​AI, we will explain not only the cases in the industrial field that we are doing, but also the points for promoting the use of AI in the future, including research cases of utilization in the medical field.

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